On the occasion of the 20th birthday of IMCI all guests were able to enjoy the scenic, cultural and culinary highlights of the beautiful island. After a maritime prelude, a boat tour of the harbor of Valletta, followed by a walk through the old town, there was another summit in the evening.
First several gun salutes were fired for IMCI at the Saluting Battery of Valetta, Malta’s capitol.
Following that Managing Director Ulrich Heinemann recalled in his speech the beginnings and story of IMCI as the Notified Body of Belgium:” IMCI’s success is borne by a great group of enthusiastic people and expert’s work.”
At the subsequent dinner in the chivalrous atmosphere of the “Sacra Imfermeria" of the Order of St John of Jerusalem the history has been further deepened. Participants included Directors, Inspectors and the head office staff. Their partners and several friends of IMCI joined the party, too.
Despite the size of the event a very familiar atmosphere remained throughout. The IMCI Board of Directors and the Inspectors meeting took place in the days before the celebration. At the same time, the necessary Inspectors audits were carried out.