General information
- Country:
- Germany
- Region:
- Schleswig-Holstein
- City:
- 23775 Großenbrode
- Street:
- Am Kai 25
- GPS:
- Longitude:
- 11° 4' 44" E
- Latitude:
- 54° 21' 17" N
- Contact:
- Yachtwerft Klemens
- phone:
- 04367 / 99 90 77
- fax:
- 04367 / 99 90 76
- Email:
- web:
- www.yachtwerft-klemens...
- IMCI certification:
- valid until:
- 12.2020
Welcome to Yachtwerft Klemens
The marina has been newly built in the area of the former military region of Großenbrode. There are 18 berths and guests are always welcome. The marina can offer the complete service programme of a boatyard including winter storage.